Digital artist, RUS/ENG, 24 y.o, she/her

Commission: open
Headshot - 20$
Half body - 35$
Full body- 50$ (test option)
Emote - 4$ (test option)
I only draw anime style girls
Flat background - free, other - 100% of the cost.
I don't draw nsfw, sfw +50%
Additional character +100%
I can additionally draw a pet (negotiable)
If you only need a sketch (possibly with a flat color fill), the cost will be calculated at a 15% discount
Additional information in the rules
↓ samples ↓
First, 50% of the work is paid, after the sketch the full amount is paid. An initial payment of 50% of the total amount is required to begin the work. The remaining 50% is due upon completion of the sketch.
I will only return the prepayment if I determine that the work exceeds my capabilities or if there is a valid reason preventing me from completing the order.
Payment must be made within 48 hours after the order is approved. Otherwise, new deadlines can be proposed by me, or you can negotiate a new deadline at the time of payment.
Prices in the price list change periodically, but for those who have already placed an order, the price remains the same.
Any characters with a feminine body. When ordering art from me with a character of male appearance, you should be prepared for the fact that it will be very feminine.
I don't draw porn. Only eroticism, which does not involve penetration and touching of the genitals.
Erotica with children is completely forbidden!
You can add up to 5 edits at the sketch stage. Further, each correction is paid. After the sketch stage, all corrections are paid.
Significant fixes only with payment (change pose, outfit, angle) . The cost of such fixes depends on the current stage of work and the complexity of the change.
I can request more payment if the overall complexity of the work exceeds my comfort zone or the character has a complex design.
On average, work can be completed from 7 to 21 days. The terms are discussed before the start of work. The work can be completed earlier if the customer is willing to pay an additional +150% of the cost of the work.
Please let me know in advance if you do not want your order posted by me on social media.
You can use my work for commercial purposes. Terms of use are discussed in advance (the cost of the drawing will be increased)
The rules may be supplemented in the future
You can contact me on social networks or by email